Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fus Woo Dah!!!

I haven't posted in a while, but I can't really be held responsible for that, can I? Skryim finally came out, and someone had to kill those pesky dragons. Don't worry, I'll try not to make an "arrow to the knee" joke, probably.

Man, a lot has been happening recently in the world of wrestling. We now have three, or maybe just two, face champions -- CM Punk successfully retained his title after his match with The Miz and Alberto Del Rio, whose groin didn't fair quite as well; Zack Ryder has finally been thrown a United States Championship-shaped bone; and that lightweight, Daniel Bryan, is the new World Heavyweight Champion after cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase on a freshly DDT'd Big Show, and ever since, I've actually found myself giving a damn about him as we watch him slowly turn heel. I don't even mind his mess of overgrown facial weeds, as it's a well documented fact that beards look better on bad guys.

Anyway, let's talk a bit about Zack Ryder. I love him, I really do, but if the WWE wants to keep selling his headbands and t-shirts, etc., they need to give him more than a few catchphrases. Seriously, I can only pump my fist along to "Woo, woo, woo!" for so long. Now, to their credit, they have involved him a bit in the Kane/Cena story line, but I'm not really happy with where it's going, and I'd like to take this opportunity to make a suggestion.

A week ago, Kane emerged from a hole in the ring and tried to drag Ryder to "Hell," only to be stopped by John Cena at the last second. Here's where my idea comes in -- use this to turn Ryder heel! I know, I know, there are too many heels at the moment, but hear me out on this. What if, when he attempted to, I don't know, kill Ryder, or whatever, Kane actually transferred a bit of his evil into him?! Then we could have Ryder start giving Cena hate-filled looks whenever his back is turned, and after a few weeks of buildup, he could knock Cena out from behind with his Title before standing over his body to taunt him with his new catchphrase, "Boo hoo hoo!" You could even have him become Kane's sidekick and refer to him as "The Devil's favorite Broski!" Tell me that wouldn't be wrestling gold!

Alright, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'd love to talk about Jericho's return, how great CM Punk continues to be, and how I've actually started to like John Laurinaitis, but I haven't played Skyrim in literally tens of minutes, and I'm starting to get the shakes. So with that, I'll say goodnight and offer my heartfelt apologies... I really did try not to make an "arrow to the knee" joke.

photo via

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