Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Beginning has Begun...

A couple of years ago, I started watching wrestling. At first, I'd be watching something else but would quickly flip over during commercials to check who was throwing whom through the announce table, an activity I never got to enjoy while watching Sixty and Pregnant, Orange People from Jersey, or whatever other dumb show I was obsessed with at the time. Well, before I knew it, I found myself watching bits and pieces of America's Next Top Hoarder, or Who Wants an Intervention? whenever wrestling threw to a commercial.

It was a brain-shock at first. I mean, I had watched a bit of wrestling when I was a kid, and I remember it being delightfully different than everything else that was on television, but, man, wrestling's gotten straight-up crazy since then. Between a leprechaun with an unkempt beard living under the ring, exploding limousines, and Randy Orton RKOing Wayne Brady, I found myself completely addicted within weeks.

And the wrestling moves are completely insane-o nowadays, too. Remember Hulk Hogan's "Atomic" Leg Drop? Remember how it was, in fact, just a regular ol' leg drop that anyone could do, but we had to be impressed by it anyway because it was the '80s and there wasn't much else to be impressed by back then? Well, now we've got Rey Mysterio's 619, the great CM Punk's GTS, and Shelton Benjamin's Pay Dirt MVP's Play of the Day Heath Slater's Sweetness R-Truth's What's Up. Not to mention John Morrison's Starship Pain. Have you seen that move? It's so Matrix. Jo Mo even goes slow-mo, pulling a Neo, whenever he makes his entrance.
photo via
Anyway, some people say wrestling's "dumb" and "for kids." I call those people "wrong." First of all, there is such a thing as a smart wrestling fan, you know. We're there, every damn week, making fun of Michael Cole and awaiting the day Chris Jericho returns to "SAVE_US." (It'll happen.)

Secondly, you say wrestling's for kids, but me? I say I wasn't able to truly appreciated it until I was thirty-damn-years-old.

Wrestling may be the most ridiculous thing on television, but what's wrong with that? It's gloriously over-the-top, people get beat up every ten minutes or so, and watching it week after week gives me a legitimate excuse to stay in on Friday nights, other than "I'm getting old..." These, my dear Future Wrestling Fans, are just a few of the many, many reasons why I watch wrestling and you should too.

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